
sboisen's picture
Job title: 
Director of Content Innovation
Faithlife Corporation

Sean Boisen is the Senior Information Architect at Faithlife Corporation, where he manages the Content Innovation Department. At Faithlife, Sean is leading the development of semantic knowledge bases for reference, search, navigation, and digital library integration, as well as other activities in text and natural language processing, and digital content creation.

Before joining Faithlife in 2007, Sean was a senior scientist and director in Human Language Technology at BBN Technologies, a high-tech research and development company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In his 19 years with BBN, Sean worked in natural language processing, text categorization and retrieval, and speech to text transcription, primarily serving the federal R&D market. His other professional interests include Semantic Web technologies, information visualization, data science, digital publishing, and distance education.

Sean holds a M.A. in computational linguistics from UCLA, and has also completed graduate work in distance education at University of Maryland University College. His undergraduate degree is from Occidental College, where he studied anthropology and linguistics, including field training from the Summer Institute of Linguistics. He has taught as an adjunct professor at Nyack College (business communications) and Pomona College (computational linguistics).