
lishevita's picture
Job title: 
Executive Director
Geeks Without Bounds

Lisha Sterling is the executive director at Geeks Without Bounds, a Washington state based nonprofit organization that supports humanitarian open source technology through hackathons, education programs, a project accelerator, and on the ground technology deployment support. In September 2016 Lisha went to Standing Rock to see if the Water Protectors would like help from GWOB's community. Within 24 hours of her arrival she noticed several anomolies with her phone, and went to the Legal tent to discuss reaching out to the EFF.  She ended up staying at Standing Rock until February 2017, coordinating the technology team which set up wireless internet and other communications, advised on digital security, and provided solar and wind power to the Oceti Sakowin and Sicangu camps. 

Geeks Without Bounds is continuing to support Water Protectors at various camps across North America with supplies and training in setting up and managing similar technology projects.