Krita is an open source, full feature, digital sketching and painting appication designed for the serious digital artist and hobbyist alike. This talk will be an entry level look at the program, starting with installation and supported distrobutions, assuming basic Linux knowlege including setting up custom repositories and package management. We will review in detail the user interface and features of Krita, with an explination of basic digital art concepts including: layers, rastor vs vector images, filters, and masks. We will take a more in depth look at the powerfull brush engines Krita uses to reproduce the feel of traditional art media, as well as some key differences for first time digital users. Finally, we will explore the community driven documentation, training, and tutorials available for those interested in learning more or contributing to the project. Whether you are a Linux enthusiast who loves to doodle, or someone who is interested in working digitally without the prohibitive price tag of main stream programs; Krita has something for you.