2017-05-07 13:45 to 2017-05-07 14:45

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Session Track


Three Generations of FreeNAS: The World's most popular storage OS turns 12

With nearly 9 million downloads, the FreeNAS open source storage operating system is the undisputed leading storage OS, open source or otherwise. Based on FreeBSD and OpenZFS, FreeNAS offers file and block sharing protocols including SMB, AFP, NFS and iSCSI for your LAN and virtualization infrastructure. The upcoming FreeNAS 11 release will take FreeNAS to a new level of ease of use and functionality with new virtualization features and a GUI based on AngularJS. Learn how new and advanced users can get stated with FreeNAS to create a reliable storage architecture for your home, office or enterprise.

OpenZFS is a an open source, enterprise-class combined file system and volume manager with unrivaled data protection, snapshotting and replication features.

ALERT! Talk may be presented by Allan Jude, co-auhor of FreeBSD Mastery: ZFS and Advanced ZFS and co-host of the BSD Now podcast. Find out more at zfsbook.com and bsdnow.tv