Speaker Agreement

Speaker Agreement

The LinuxFest Northwest planning team has created the LFNW Speaker Agreement to outline the expected responsibilities of LFNW speakers. Please read through the items listed below before clicking "I Agree" on the session submission form.


I understand that LinuxFest Northwest does not compensate speakers. If there is financial hardship in attending the conference, Speakers can apply for a scholarship to help with travel and lodging expenses.  It is my responsibility to register in advance of arriving at LinuxFest Northwest.

Speaker profiles

I will fill out my user profile, including full name and photo, with the understanding that my information might be populated for me if not provided in time for the schedule.

Session preparation

If I am unable to devote the time and energy to this effort, I will notify the LFNW planning team and LFNW will replace my session.

I understand that if I am participating on a panel or tutorial with others that I am expected to communicate with the other speakers on my session before the event. I understand that if I am delivering a group or solo presentation, I am expected to spend a significant amount of time preparing for my session before the event.

To aid in schedule planning, I will also communicate any of the following with the LFNW presentation committee:

  • Schedule conflicts
  • Session format (60, 2 hour, BoF, tutorial, etc...)
  • Technical requirements/requests
  • Changes to your speaker lineup

Obtaining consent

I understand that I am responsible for obtaining any required consents, permissions, and clearances to display or otherwise use any materials (both visual and audio) that I incorporate in my session.

Promoted content

I understand that LinuxFest Northwest is primarily an educational event, not a sales platform. I understand that if my session content is geared primarily towards marketing or sales of a particular product, that it will be clearly stated in the title and opening description of the session.

Staying on topic and on time

I understand that staying focused on the topic outlined in the title and description of my session is extremely important. During my session, I pledge to stay focused on the topic at hand and make sure that the information presented adheres to the difficulty level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced) designated for my session.

Code of Conduct

I understand that my slides and on-stage remarks must abide by the Code of Conduct for this conference. I understand that my slides may be reviewed ahead of time, and that I may need to modify my presentation if it does not adhere with the Code of Conduct. I also understand that if, while I am presenting, I fail to abide by the spirit of the Code of Conduct, my session recording will not be published.

Session recording

I have read the Media Policy and understand that my session will be recorded and made publicly available following the conference.

Contact us

We are excited to welcome you as a speaker at LinuxFest Northwest and look forward to answering any questions you may have. Here's how to contact us:

  • twitter @lfnw
  • IRC (irc.freenode.net) in #lfnw
  • Need a direct line? Contact our Presentation Coordinators, John Blanford & Jakob Perry via email.


(Special thanks to the Drupal Association for being the basis of our speaker agreement)