2016-04-23 10:45-2016-04-23 12:15

Experience level


Session Track

Geek Lifestyle

Break free from Spotify & Pandora: Use FOSS for music streaming

You want to stream music, but you don't want to listen to ads or pay for premium services? With three pieces of FOSS software, a Linux installation, some music, and some effort, you can just make your own! This live demo runs through the process including actually digging into the config files and working with them, and seeing (or perhaps hearing?) the fruits of our labor during the session.

Title: Break free from Spotify & Pandora: Use FOSS for music streaming

Track: Geek Lifestyle

Difficulty: Beginner

Outline of session discussion topics:

* Why
** Because Spotify has advertising
** Pandora costs money
** You get to pick what you want to listen to
** Open Source software... need I say more?

* How
** Prerequisites
*** Bandwidth concerns
*** The legality of streaming copyrighted music
*** A decent computer
**** CPU
**** Storage Space
** Prepping your existing media library
*** Oggenc2
** Configuration of mpd
*** Setting up authentication
*** Setting up backend connection to icecast2
** Configuration of icecast2
*** Management through web interface
*** A tour of the config file
*** Checking your config for errors (xmllint)
** Configuration of ncmpcpp
*** How to use ncmpcpp
** End-User Clients
*** Linux
**** Command line
**** GUI
*** Windows
*** Mac
*** iOS
*** Android
*** Others... (optional if we have extra time)

* Q&A

* Links to resources
** Icecast website
** MPD website

Expected learning outcomes:

- The difference between VBR and CBR and how it relates to audio streaming
- Why OGG Vorbis is better suited for media streaming compared to MP3
- How to convert MP3 files to OGG format
- How to estimate bandwidth constraints
- MPD configuration and management
- Icecast configuration and management
- Using ncmpcpp to effectively and easily control MPD
- A list of acceptable clients for listening to streams
- A list of resources the audience can use to help dig deeper


My name is Marcus Eaton. I'm a open source enthusiast who loves finding ways
to solve problems and make life easier using open source software and
hardware. I currently work for the City of Seattle IT Department as a System
Analyst and excel in System Administration, particularly of the Linux
variety. During my free time, I enjoy tinkering and breaking things, then
learning how to fix them, and possibly make them better than before.

Misc. info:

This presentation will be a hands-on live demo of configuration and set up of
the programs listed in the outline. The screen will be recorded with ASCIInema
(http://asciinema.org/) and the audio file will be recorded separately.

The difficulty of this session will be aimed at beginners who do not know
anything more than what Spotify or Pandora is. Some basic knowledge of how to
use a text editor, becoming root, and using the command line is expected.

This talk should fit within a 60 minute time slot. As recommended by the LFNW
website, I plan to spend 45 minutes doing the actual demo, and 15 minutes for

As far as I am aware there have not been any presentations on these pieces of
software to be used in this use-case scenario.

Contact info:

Marcus Eaton
marcus AT marcuseaton DOT me