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What's New in FreeNAS 9.3
This presentation will provide an overview of some of the many new features in FreeNAS 9.3. FreeNAS is an open source NAS based on FreeBSD. The new features include:
* a flexible update manager that allows the administrator to track multiple branches and to choose when to install updates. Whenever an update is applied, the update manager automatically creates a boot environment of the operating system and adds it to the boot menu, meaning that updating or patching the operating system is a low-risk operation.
* a boot manager for managing the boot device(s), creating manual boot environments, and pruning old boot environments.
* a certificate manager for importing and creating certificates, self-signing certificates, and creating certificate signing requests. Added certificates
automatically appear as available in the configuration screens of those services which support encryption.
* improved VMware integration, including integration with ZFS snapshots.
* webdav shares for providing authenticated, and optionally encrypted, access to specified datasets using a web browser or webdav client.
* and much more!
Bio and links to other presentations: http://www.slideshare.net/dlavigne
Short Link: http://lfnw.org/node/3657